Easy like Sunday morning x

The clocks may have changed but my body has not yet realised that there is no point in waking up at 5am every morning, including Sunday. As hard as I try my brain will not allow me to get back to sleep when I realise the time. Yes Sunday is a day off, of sorts but it is also the last chance to get everything done before another week begins. 
I started a new job at the end of September and although it is part time it has taken me a while to get used to the constant juggling act of taking care of a family, a home and a job. I gave up my job 12 years ago to concentrate on my babies and although I dabbled in various ventures I had the privilege to concentrate all my time and efforts on my family. Having three children is an expensive business and child care costs can make working counterintuitive. I also had this determination to be the one who looked after my own children. I didn’t want to share that responsibility with anyone else except my husband. Now I realise not everyone has this option and I feel extremely lucky and fortunate to have had the choice. It wasn’t always an easy choice. At times every penny had to be accounted for. Foreign holidays were out of the question and make and mend was our motto. 
The time came when I started to feel I needed something else. I love being ‘mum on tap’ but as the kids got older I started to feel there was a gap. I needed something for me. As I began to look for employment there was a terrifying realisation that I may be unemployable. I had walked away from a career more than a decade ago and concentrated my efforts on nappies, trips to the park, play dates, messy craft and homemade birthday cakes. Funnily enough it was tricky trying to adapt that into a CV. Who would want to employ me? What do I have to offer? What if I do get a job, will my kids suffer? The whole prospect was terrifying. After many failed applications and rejections I was offered a job. It’s early days but it is giving me so much more than just an extra income. It has its challenges and the whole family has had to readjust but we are getting there. Slowly x


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